Saturday, August 19, 2006

We are going to get a cat

After the rat incident, we’ve been thinking…and we both think that we could deal with having a cat around here.  At first we were discussing it with the codename: alligator.  He told the girls we were getting an alligator to keep the rodents away.  The big one didn’t buy it.  After he left for work, she asked me if we were really getting a cat.  The little one just thinks he’s out of his mind.  She might not be wrong.

Anyway, we’ve discussed it and the girls now know about it so it’s set in stone.  There is no going back now.  I just hope I can deal with a cat.  I have had 2, both came with a previous marriage.  I have no problem with cats.  They just haven’t been compatible with my other choices of pets so far (birds, fish, turtles, gerbils, hamsters and, yes, snakes and iguanas)  We had to put our 14 year old dog to sleep in October, and we’ve never really considered getting anything else.  We do have another dog, but she was somewhat neurotic when we got her and after 8 years hasn’t gotten much better.  She is fat, sleeps all day, loves food and is scared to go outside.  As an Akita/shepherd mix she’s pretty big (100 lbs or so) but she hides behind the bed all day long, and you don’t normally see her unless it’s time to eat or someone’s come in the front door. (oh, and as I write this it’s started to thunder and I now have a 100lb dog stuck to my leg) She seems to get along with most animals, we’ve had a few come for visits when relatives came down.  I guess we shall see how they get along together.  The house is big enough to have both of them even if they don’t see eye to eye.  It is going to be interesting though.

Today’s project is to finish cleaning my office, get mom’s stuff out of my closet and packed and on it’s way to her house, and put my own things in order where i can find them.  With the couch in here, it’s actually a lot more warm and comfortable.  Having a bunch of desks and computers all running in here was a bit office-like and not comfortable at all.  I can’t wait til I can get the coffee table in here and my little desk top water fountain going.  Then I’m painting the walls and really going crazy.  I have to get my awesome picture that my grandmother gave me fixed, the glass and frame need replacing, actually.  When it’s whole again, it’s going to get center wall with a picture light aimed on it.  I might actually love my office when I get it done.

I have a load of work to catch up on as well.  I was slacking since the rat.  Well, I’ve been cleaning every nook and cranny trying to find where it could be hiding.  BUT mom pointed out some holes in the bathroom cabinets where the pipes come in and out and now we are fairly sure we know why we can’t find it (I’ve torn this place up looking for signs of it and to no avail).  I think it’s conveniently letting itself in, and the commotion since it got “noticed” the other night might be keeping it from coming back in.  But, I could be wrong.  We’ll see, I guess.

Now I have to get this office done before the troops show up.


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