Friday, August 11, 2006

I should go to bed now but I’m gonna try to stick it out a little longer

I finally went in the pool for some exercise. I was relaxing after swimming for 30 minutes straight and along comes a Florida-sized cockroach meandering down my floatie. Ok, you win, you can have the floatie…I was out of the pool and bound for the shower. I did exercise though!

I’m tired, I’m not motivated and I’ve been going since 8:30 this morning. I should at least finish some client graphics so they can get started without me when they wake up. Not that I’m sleeping late, but they are in the UK and I am in the US, there is a bit of a time difference. They’ll probably be getting up as I finally fall asleep.

We have out of town company this weekend. And a birthday party on Sunday. I am hoping to get the house sorted by tomorrow night but that isn’t likely to happen without some sort of help. The girls went to their grandmothers house so I could clean their room and start moving stuff out to the other room and I got nowhere with that. By the time we finished dinner and got them all packed to go, it was later than I expected. I hate when time just flies by, it does that alot in my world.

As for the spouse…well, he tried to hang out tonight. But he was drinking and after a half hour of listening to him talk (purely to make himself think he wasn’t really drunk, in my opinion) I just started going over what I need to do to get that other room finished. (Aside from moving that monstrously huge couch, it should be easy.) It’s too bad that he just doesn’t get that his drinking is killing the little bit of a relationship that we have left. And if I say something, somehow he turns it around and makes it so I’m the one who has done something wrong. Lately I realized that he’s been doing that a long time. He always tells me that I’m the one who does that, so I started paying attention. I don’t do that…it’s him that does it. I think he was trying to throw me off so I don’t pay attention to him doing it.

So, anyway, I’m a blob…I feel like my muscles are all wobbly so I won’t be lasting too much longer. I might go read a book my mom dropped off called, “Psycho-Cybernetics”. Of course, I’ve still not gotten through Dr. Phil’s “Life Strategies” or “Self Matters”. I started those years ago when they first came out. I also started “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” about 6 months ago. That I’ve actually gotten about halfway through. For someone who loves reading I sure don’t do a whole lot of it lately. I do read, but not for my own personal enjoyment or to better myself (unless it’s reading CSS or Photoshop manuals). I’m making a note to sqeeze that into my new and improved schedule.

And on that note, I’ve worn myself out! LOL I hope anyone out there who happens to pass by is having a nice, relaxing evening/morning/afternoon

Written by me on August 11th, 2006 reposted from archives on October 14, 2011

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