Saturday, August 19, 2006

I’ve just smudged the house!

this time I used a prosperity stick, a smudging stick with sage and pine (I think, the wrapper has disappeared).

For those of you who are thinking I’ve totally lost it…smudging is a Native American method of getting rid of negative energy.  I’m sure there is a more accurate description, but I’m not the person to give it.  My mom has been doing this my whole life, and I’m sure she could explain better.  I have a large shell, like half a clam, that is about 8-10 inches long.  I put dried sage in and light it.  Now, her method (and I could be doing this wrong, I’ve only just started doing it again) is to go counter-clockwise through the house holding the shell with the smoldering sage (yes, you blow out the flame so it just smokes).  Using a hawk feather, I’m sure you could use something else or just blow on it to get it to smoke more, but that is what I have, you fan the embers and make a lot of smoke.  It seems the more negative a room, the more smoke it produces.  You go through the house like this, all the time thinking peaceful thoughts (I could go into that more but I won’t) - it’s the feeling that counts really - and then go back through to where you began.  I usually bring the remains back in my office to burn off.  Now, just a warning, straight sage smells a lot like pot.  So, if you have neighbors who are busy bodies, you might wanna tell them that you are burning sage, show them the package and start it outside their door just to keep their negative vibes in their own territory.  All I know is that when I smudge the house, I feel better.  So, I do it.

Ok, now that you KNOW I’ve totally lost it…I’m going back to work.  LOL


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