Thursday, August 17, 2006

I think I’m rational again, but I’m not promising anything

He’s gone all day today.  I don’t have to be stressed out by the idea that he’ll be home at dinner making his comments (which, btw, are daily…yesterday’s just set me off for some reason.  Maybe I was just tired?)  I’m not going to dwell on it today, I have too much to do and not enough brain power to do it.

I’ve run out of Claritan :P   Now I feel like my head is stuffed with a mixture of cotton balls and Elmer’s glue.  I thought I saw some Tylenol Sinus in the medicine cabinet (you know the real kind of sinus medicine that actually worked before they ripped them off the shelf so we couldn’t do anything illegal with them?  And yes, that is at the top of my list for most assanine and useless preventative measures ever, although the top is making guns illegal for people who buy them legally and therefore don’t commit the crimes they are trying to prevent because they can be tracked back to them.)  I’m grouchy so I won’t get up on my soapbox (just yet, I’m saving that for the website I’m building).  So you got off lucky today. LOL

My girls are busy playing, the dishes need to be done, the floors need to be mopped, websites need to be built and all I can focus on is the Elmer’s Glue/Cotton ball mess in my head.  I think I’m going for the Tylenol that I hope is still young enough to work and not have mutated into some other diabolical substance, like caffiene…and yes, I’m waiting for them to outlaw that as well.  I’m sure that some controlling little dweeb in our government body thinks that it’s in my best interest to pass a law that prohibits me drinking more than 1 coffee a day or something.   I’ve been working on a website to educate kids (especially homeschooled ones because, honestly, why would public school kids look up anything educational if they didn’t have to?) on how our government works, and how it was designed to have safeguards and checks and balances.  AND how the people are supposed to be the ones influencing the rules and systems our governement establishes..BUT how people have stopped being educated so they are led around like herd animals because they just don’t know better.  I want children and adults, if they are so inclined, to know what their rights are when it comes to the government.  We (the collective citizens of this great country) have allowed government to get too big for it’s own britches.  It’s time to teach the next generation how to bring it back under control by using those checks and balances, by standing up and making a change when they know something isn’t working the way it should.  There may not be changes in my lifetime, but I can always hope that my grandchildren will live in a more balanced USA because of the things that our generation taught them to do.

Ok…did I say I’d stay off the soapbox?  LOL  Oh well, my sinuses are more open now, maybe I need to start lecturing to get started in the morning instead of taking sinus meds?  LOL

I’ll knock it off now and get to work…I really do have a lot to get done here.  I’m sure I’ll be thinking of more to say as I’m going through the day.  Lucky you, huh? 

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