Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Should have just stayed in bed today

but I had stuff to do.  My littlest daughter had to go get a tooth extracted, she’s been doing this for months.  It started out simple enough, and then the dentist wanted to try to save it, then my daughter freaked because she was in there so long I guess her patience wore thin.  We were then referred to a sedation dentist.  We started along that path but when the question about heart murmurs and such came up, I told them that she’d been diagnosed with one since birth, but that it must have gone away because her doctor down here hadn’t mentioned it.  They required a certificate from a cardiologist saying it was ok.  So we started the process of getting her to the cardiologist, which started with me getting her a visit to her doctor.  Since this doctor is just a family physician and had just caused my husband to not be insurable by putting incorrect information in his records (yeah, we seem to have some serious issues, don’t we?) I decided maybe she should see a pediatrician because I now had no faith in this man.

The pediatrician says “she has a murmur but it sounds innocent, here is a cardiologist I recommend”.  So I call, and call, and call.  After weeks I get this man who says it is going to be 2 months before she can come in.  2 months?  She has a half finished tooth extraction…she needs to do this now.  Sorry, no chance, is the reply.  so…

I call the pediatrician back and ask for another cardiologist.  There is only one more in the area it seems.  So the phone calls start.  2 weeks, one hour a day I’m on hold.  I finally get fed up and start looking anywhere within driving distance for anyone that can see her.  I find a pediatric cardiologist an hour away.  AND a real person answered AND they gave me an appointment within a week!  So we went, did that, got to see a sonogram of her perfectly healthy happy heart that happens to have an innocent heart murmur and get our certificate so she can get dental work done.  OH.  That was the reason for all this wasn’t it?  I mean, I’m much happier now knowing that the heart murmur that I thought was gone but isn’t is really not anything to worry about.  :p

So…now the dentist is booked til next month.  But they have me on a list to call if anyone cancels.  Now, we’d been playing games with pediatricians and cardiologists for a month, and in the meantime she’d developed an abcess so she’d been on antibiotics.  None were making it look better so they kept giving her stronger antibiotics.  She ran out Saturday so I called yesterday to ask if we needed to get more.  They were going to leave a note for the doctor to see what he wanted to do.  They called me back last night and said that someone had cancelled for a sedation appointment this morning, did I want to come?  So I said yes, got her all prepped (lied through my teeth about going early today so we could have them look at the “bubble” (abcess) and they were going to give her special really really strong antibiotics that she drinks right there in the office.) and let her stay up later (as they suggested so she’d be tired) and set off this morning for the appointment.  It all went wonderfully, she’s not pissed at me, and when the dentist told her all she could have for lunch was mashed potatoes and a Frosty (from Wendy’s) she was actually happy.

Then we came home and got hit by the odd smell that seemed to have developed.  Hmmmm.  I checked all over.  No one had any accidents.  I had no idea.  The day went on, the smell got worse.  Then I thought, I wonder if all the poison hubby put in the garage could work so fast and I’m smelling dead rodents?  I think I was on to something there.  It’s beyond foul now and I’m gonna go head to the other end of the house and hope it’s not as smelly.  I may be spending tomorrow poolside though if it’s worse.

I wish I had a laptop.  :)

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