Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I actually got somewhere today and he’s sober!

Today was action packed despite me being drowsy through it all. I did work, I got quite a bit done also. I’m pretty happy with how work went today. I also got some housework done AND I went and trimmed the privacy hedge (the inside part that is in the enclosed backyard - the outside will have to wait til I’ve got a longer extension cord). It must have been 100 degrees or better with 100% humidity and it wasn’t raining…it was all sticking to me. I was pathetic really, but we won’t get into that and gross you out.

Also, my girls actually did clean up what they told their father they would. That was pretty impressive as well. AND the weirdest thing happened. The 5 year old was blamed for tossing dry pasta all over the floor. We didn’t yell at her, we just thought it was her since she had dried pasta in her hand and she’s always doing things like that. In fact, my husband sat with her and calmly explained why she shouldn’t do that (a first for him). And about 10 minutes later, during dinner, the 7 year old pipes up and said it really wasn’t her sisters fault entirely because she really made most of the mess. So..she fessed up when she’d gotten off clean and the 5 year old took the blame knowing that she’d not really done much of it at all. It was incredibly “mature” of them…and it was really really strange to experience. Ok, I know, not a mindblowing deal, but to us, it was pretty neat and I’m proud of them. Although I am a bit concerned about why the 5 year old took the blame without telling us her sister did most of it. I’m not sure if she really didn’t recall if her sister made most of the mess OR if she planned on getting her own form of justice later. She is such a little bruiser disguised as a princess. I guess I’ll take my little proud moments where I get them and be happy.

The other thing is…he’s sober tonight. I’m waiting for it to somehow all go to shit…but in the meantime, I’m gonna just take it as a night off from being annoyed.

And now, I’m going to bed, I’m exhausted.


*yeah, I keep editing this, Wordpress keeps reformatting after I hit ’save’ and it’s killing me to leave it in a big lump of text

Written by me on August 16th, 2006 and reposted from archives

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