Saturday, August 12, 2006

There has to be something to smudging a house

I smudged the house yesterday (much to the dismay of my daughters) and it’s amazing how different things get. I originally thought it must be me, I changed my attitude because I knew I smudged the house. But there are things that are beyond my control happening. At least I think they are beyond my control. I do need to find more sage, mom brought some over but I think I used the last yesterday. I have a smudge stick but it seems odd to burn it that way, I’ve always used my big shell and a feather to go around the house blowing the smoke around. I’ll have to see how well this works. Everyone is going swimming today, I may stay in to work for a while and burn the big smudge stick while they are outside. I just know that hubby has majorly sensitive nostrils…he will be making faces at me all night cause that smell lingers for quite a while. Oh well, we shall see, I guess.

I have loads of work, both in my office and in the house, to do today. I’m getting tired just thinking of it all. I guess I should just go get it done and over with.


Written by me on August 12th, 2006 and reposted October 14, 2011

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