Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I’ve gotten quite a bit done, both inside and out of the house

I’ve done 2 designs, answered emails, listed some sites in directories and got my plan for the next few days set up. I’ve trimmed the front bushes, pulled an invasive vine out of a crepe myrtle (which was no easy task), cleaned up palm fronds which were all over the yard for some reason (and yes, there will be more by Friday if Ernesto has his way), I’ve been attacked by wasps, talked to the neighbor, been eaten alive by bugs, swam, read my book, cooked 3 meals, and gotten my daughter set for ballet tomorrow. It took her instructor calling to convince her to take the class without her sister (who didn’t like it so well last semester). And no, we did not do any school today. But my daughters did learn how marionettes work, how to escape wasps unscathed, and why the birds that live in the hedge keep burying themselves in the sand in our yard (it’s to cool off). There is always tomorrow…

Now, I’m itchy and considering a shower…I was going to jump back in the pool but now I’m not so sure. It is almost bed time for the girls though so…I’ll make up my mind after they go to bed.

And after they are in bed, I’ve got to either shower or swim and then shower and then I have a few more designs to do as well as some more link exchanges. So, I’ll be back.


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