Friday, September 01, 2006

I’m bartending this weekend, woofuckinghoo!

In the interest of benefiting my bank account, I’ve agreed to help the husband and bar tend for a couple of weddings/parties this weekend at one of the banquet halls he runs. I’m sure I’ll make some good money, I’m also sure I’m not looking forward to this.

After my motivating discussion with my friend the other night, I’ve begun to design again…I mean REALLY design. I know that in the web design biz, the smaller the file, the faster the page loads, and that is what it’s all about. Most really nice designs load to slow to be beneficial, so they hurt the bottom line and you don’t do it. Well…I don’t care right now. I’ve made a few things for my portfolio to use as samples for some packages I’m gonna put together. I had fun doing it, too. Wow. Imagine if I had fun AND got paid the $75-$150 an hour that I’m worth! This blog would take a drastic right turn and be my “I’m so happy, and to prove it, I could just buy a horse to amuse myself” blog.

Really…doing work you love…I could SO get into that.

Ok, gotta feed kids before they band together and attack…


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