Saturday, September 02, 2006

Glitter and confetti should be outlawed

I’m home…2 hours later than I planned, but I’m home. I had to spend an extra 2 hours sweeping the ballroom to rid it of the incredible clinging confetti and glitter that found it’s way into the party. Boy what a mess. The shit is everywhere. It’s even in my bra!!! I’m sure when I take out my braid I’ll find some in there as well.

I’m too tired to have a coherent thought so I’m gonna go to bed and pass out. The kids are at a sleep-over with grandma, the dog and cat are getting kicked out of the bedroom as soon as I get there, I’m gonna chew on a Pamprin and then…I’m gonna sleep til I smell coffee. Or the dog has to pee. Whichever comes first.



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