Sunday, September 24, 2006

Why can’t things just work as they should?

I stayed home from visiting my family today, the kids went with my mom to Jacksonville.  I wanted to go, but I wanted to work as well.  No.  I needed to work.  There is a difference.  So, I stayed home and all I did was fix things that had no explanation for being broken on the server, and I didn’t even get them all fixed, the damned thing is possessed or something, it just keeps on changing itself.

I also spent hours putting together files I can’t use because the server is possessed.  So I’m a tad frustrated.  Eventually, they will be used but not today as I had hoped.

So…the kids and mom left, he was outside doing yardwork, came in just to ask why I bother being on the computer for a hundred hours a week if I don’t make any money.  Nice.  I chose to ignore the fucker.

First, I’m on the computer 20 hrs a week, tops.  Second, the only reason I don’t make money is because he goes out of his way to make me stop working.  Every single time I get going, he finds something to distract me.  And he’s great for killing motivation.  He wants me to hang out with him instead of working, so he talks me out of working.  And then the next day will bitch about me needing to get a job so we can pay our bills.

Well, guess what fucko?  You can’t have it both ways!!!

Have I mentioned that I have PMS?  It probably isn’t making much of a difference, but I thought I’d mention it anyway.

I think I’m going to go to bed and see if I can’t have a better outlook on life in the morning.  Of course, if I get up and all my work on the server is gone again, I could go completely over the edge.  I really feel like there are forces working against me.  Everytime I make progress, I swear someone does something to fuck it up.  Not that it’s anyone in particular, but like some little gremlin type thing that just goes in and changes settings so that everything I’ve done won’t work any longer.

ok, really going to bed now.

have a great night


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