I’m in severe pain and need to remember to get prepared physically next time I have to do 3 banquets in 2 days, but overall there is nothing to complain about right now.
My husband and I got along all night, he even claimed to be married to me when talking with guests

He only had one drink that I saw. I was tending bar but I think he went to the other bar for his drinks because I didn’t make it. He still seems coherent now, which is abnormal. He is either slobbering drunk or passed out by the point on most nights. He’s just eaten a sandwich (yeah, yeah…work with food all day and night and you never get to actually have a meal all day) and finished watching a rerun of Nip/Tuck, the last one from last season, to be exact. The new season starts Tuesday…and consider yourself warned, I’m a Nip/Tuck addict. I have to watch it, even if it’s the repeat that they run during the week. It comes on right when I “should” have the girls in bed but they know when it’s on and the oldest hates it for some reason (probably because she can’t watch it) so I normally miss the first viewing. I’ve seen previews and the new season looks just as intense as the last 3. I am looking forward to this!
OK, that was it for my energy. I’m gonna grab my book, put on my Eeyore jammies, crawl in bed and read about 3 sentences. I’ll probably wake up with a book planted on my head. Again.
See you tomorrow.
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