Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I try to keep my spirits high but the scumbags keep dragging me back down

Hey all.

I’ve spent the last week or so trying to get my work world back in order.  I’m close but not quite there.  And of course, there are reasons why.  And I swear nothing I had any control over.

Reason why I’m not on track yet #1:
My bloody ceiling on my lanai (screened room for those of you not familiar) collapsed.  I’m thinking that one peice of sheet rock will be enough to repair it BUT where is it coming from?  It seems that there is a seal that is broken but no one quite knows where it is coming from.  So they have to tear up a big chunk of roof.

Reason why I’m not on track yet #2:
And this just happened about 2 hours ago, so it’s really not a good reason but fuck it, it’s my blog…I can write whatever I want, right??  :)

Some fuckwad loser in my neighborhood (Gulf Harbors) sent me hate mail because they thought my grass was too high.  ooooookay.  First, in my defence, let me say that I did have a landscaper, at least until 3 weeks ago.  And he’s just disappeared.  I got no notice so I wasn’t prepared to get another.  I also can’t really afford a new one and who says they will show up after I’ve paid them?  So we got my father-in-laws mower and mowed it Saturday.  Today I get a letter calling us “pigs” and that we should be ashamed of how we live and that we should move out.  What kind of sick fuck goes through the trouble of searching for our names (which he spelled wrong) and then mailing a letter via the post office (without a return address, of course).  And why would anyone be so freaking nasty?  I consider it a very scary, threatening letter and as soon as I calm down, I’m reporting it to the police.  I mean, I have kids…and this person seems to know the state of affairs in my home…my home that you can’t see in anywhere without being up in my windows.  I’m actually frightened of some lunatic out there with a grudge against me because my grass was too long and ruining his neighborhood.  I wonder if the rest of the landscapers clients that he abandoned also got letters.  I’ve posted on our neighborhood website, but that will probably get deleted as it puts the negative in a spotlight.  I think the website is intended to attract attention and intice prospective buyers.  but I don’t know for sure, I’ll wait and see.
I am just so pissed off right now.  Who is this piece of shit who sends letters to people calling them names and telling them to move out of the neighborhood??

Must be a person with a serious small-dick complex.  And it could be a woman, I don’t know for sure it’s a man.  All I know is that they are warped and scary and I’m reporting it to the police in case they decide that me bitching about them in a public forum in our precious neighborhood message board was going too far.  I just wish the coward had come up and knocked on the door.  I’d have let the dog show them the way off the property.

Ok, I disappear for a week and come back more hostile than ever.  I’m sure that is quite appealing, huh?  I’m gonna go get some coffee, do some work and try to calm the hell down.

But I’m not promising anything.  ;)

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