Wednesday, September 06, 2006

It’s crunch time again and Ford Credit is out of control and needs to be sued.

Why does my world always seem to be hanging by a thread?  Not whining, just wondering.  So I have to make a $600 payment today and a $920 payment by Friday.  Which is actually quite normal around here.  That is just sick, isn’t it?  And somehow these have become my responsibility, as he is SO HARD AT WORK to pay our mortgage on time.  Now, the first chunk of money needed being for our electricity, which will be turned off if I don’t pay and the second being my van, which will be repossessed if I don’t pay.  now, the second there…my van…I’m also working on the $350 to file a lawsuit against Ford Credit.  Which doesn’t excuse me from my payments, and I’m not denying that I owe them and that I’m late.  I am.  But they have gone way past the line of legal and I’m just done with their bullshit.  They have been calling my neighbors to tell me to pay my bill.  They’ve also called by brother-in-law and my ex-husbands entire family.  They are completely out of control.  In the last 2 years, they’ve run my cell phone bill up to $600+ and I lost the phone.  They’ve called me at work, even after I told them not to.  They’ve called my husbands work.  They harrass the hell out of me every chance they get and I’m now getting hives just thinking about it.  They get me so upset I can’t even work.  And then I’m supposed to come in here and whip up $1500 to pay my bills.  I honestly am now checking out my windows for 1. my van to be gone or 2. people from Ford to be walking up my front walk to harrass me face to face.

And if you think this is bad…wait til I get a chance to tell you about EMC Mortgage.  That’s a fucking doozy.  We always seem to find the total scum financial services.  I might as well warn others away from those who think they are above the law or those who strategically set up your property so they can take it back (and no, I’m not paranoid - I have the paperwork to prove it - AND I have a judge’s decision to throw their whole shoddy case out).  Remind me when I’m not panicking to tell you all about them.  AND if you are being tortured by EMC right now, message me and i’ll tell you how we got rid of them.  There is also a law firm with a class action suit against them I can refer you to.  I can’t participate because EMC forced us to agree that we owed them $42,000 more than we did to get out of the loan and I want it back.  With Interest.  I just can’t find any lawyers with the know-how and the balls to go after them, oh, or the willingness to do it on contingency because these bastards stole what we did have and now I have to sue to get it back.  Which would be why I have my power being shut off and my van being repossessed.  It’s a wicked cycle.  There was a case in March (this year or last - I lost track now) where a couple was granted 6 Million Dollars!! in punitive damages because of the nightmare EMC inflicted on these people.  And even though that was beyond the threshold (not sure that is the right word - remember I’m panicking right now LOL) the Supreme Court upheld the decision and said that EMC’s actions warranted that type of payment.  So I know they can beaten.

Ok, I’m pissed off enough to try to make some money.  I’ll be back later to tell you if I succeeded or landed on my face.

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