Monday, October 23, 2006

Just when you thought I was getting things under control…


The husband just messaged me that he’s going to be quitting his job.  Well, that or taking a pay cut (they haven’t even given him his first promised raise, now they are cutting it in half!!) and being reassigned.

His boss is a fucking lunatic and an asshole.  I swear.  I wondered how his wife put up with his shit, but I was recently informed that she’s filed for divorce.  I wonder if she needs people to verify that the guy is unstable?  Hmmmm….

One of the people there said that two years ago, he made everyone take a week off UNPAID so he could save some money.  This guy is a fucking millionaire!!  He’s such an unstable piece of shit, he hires good people, they earn him money and then he takes it all out of their accounts to put into projects that never earn and only cost more and more and then has the balls to blame the people that earned him all the fucking money in the first place!  You know what?  He’s better off elsewhere.  This guy is a trainwreck waiting to happen.

Ok, I’m done venting for the moment.  I’m just pissed off now that this will put a kink in things.  But it won’t stop my plans.  I’m still moving forward.


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