Monday, October 23, 2006

Where the hell is Waldo??

We just got back from visiting Grandma in the hospital up in Jacksonville.  I love going up there, I just wish it wasn’t to see her being treated for pneumonia.  My family really is a fun lot…they had the breathing mask on Grandma and my aunt was telling her to say “Luke, I am your father…” like Darth Vader.  With the mist coming out of it, it would have been a cool effect.  The nurse must have thought we were nuts, making an 89 year old woman with pnuemonia laugh during her breathing treatment but…maybe that is why she made it to 89.  She’s had a lot of laughter in her life.  They really enjoy life up there.  I wonder why I have to always make things so hard.  Well..enough of that, I’m changing it all, no sense dwelling on shit that has already happened.  Unless it’s to learn from it.

We drove home through Ocala.  And now I’m really starting to see where I’m changing.  When we moved, I agreed to come down because I’d been sold on coming to Ocala.  I’m a horse junkie.  It’s a logical place for me to live.  Honestly, I’d have been in heaven if we’d gone there when we first moved down.  BUT…  Yeah, I said BUT.  I’ll give you the BUT’s:

1. HE decided that he didn’t want to live there based on about 3 blocks of an outskirt area of Ocala and he hightailed it out of there faster than Seattle Slew broke from a starting gate.  (there is a reason I think of Seattle Slew when thinking of my husband bolting from Ocala, but I’m sure I’ve bitched about that already)

2. I um…I am not sure I would be happy there now.  Yes.  Really.  I freaking can’t believe it!  We passed 1000’s of horses and I just kept thinking…I wish I could be happy here but I don’t think I can.  I’ve been thinking I need to be on a mountain somewhere, away from people…but…was that me?  did I decide that OR was that idea fed to me over the years til I decided it was me?  I don’t want to live on a fucking mountain.  I want a Starbucks and a Barnes and Noble within a 15 minute drive.  I want museums, zoos, activities, culture, events, people with educations as neighbors, I want a creative surrounding, I want a place that is alive to surround me.  I am quite sure that i can get my 20 acres, big barn, lots of horses and still be able to go get decent Sushi or sit and read one of my favorite UK based design magazines while sipping Starbucks in a big cushy chair.  It has to be possible.  And I’m gonna find it.

Ok, the Waldo reference…I just realized I skipped that bit.  We drove the side roads all the way up and back, my kid was carsick and it was the only way to be able to pull over safely every 30 minutes.  Normally, when driving through Waldo, all I do is watch the speedometer as the big billboards all claim it to be a big speed trap and I know that I have relatives who have all been pulled over for various reasons, most not good enough for most police officers to pull you over for…cause they aren’t even ticketable anywhere else (things like taillights not being quite bright enough - this is on a new car, mind you, not some old clunker that had a loose wire or something) So..normally I just watch the road, the speedometer and the lights…and ignore everything I’m passing.  Well, I was the passenger going North and noticed a drive though espresso place…and on the way south I remembered it and went hunting (since I’d had no coffee in hours, not a good thing for me :P )  We stopped, got a cappucino and…I was pretty damned impressed.  It was great.  I think the place was called Elliano’s or something, but it was very good.  And now, I’ve spent a whole paragraph to tell you I had a good cup of coffee…lol

Oh, I’m also starting to worry about Enyo.  She had a bad day Thursday and hasn’t been back.  I’m getting nervous and wish she’d come back online.  I have had problems with blogger not updating for me, it’s like it’s cached the page and refuses to refresh even though every other page I go to will refresh.  It could be my browser, but either way, I’m starting to worry.   (I’ve just checked one last time and it seems blogger is having issues, so it could be that she just can’t get on there)

Ok, gotta do some work. BBL


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