Wednesday, October 11, 2006

busy busy busy…

Every time I say that I’m reminded of the nasty magician in Frosty the Snowman…

Today was busy though. Gymnastics is about a 40 minute drive, one way…that took up a chunk of the day.  So did the crying and whining before we left…I don’t want to go, I want to go but my stomach hurts, I don’t want to go, I don’t want to miss it…I think these two have cabin fever from being stuck here for 2 weeks while they were sick and are starting to really lose their grip on being reasonable.

Tomorrow is ballet, let’s hope that is a better experience.  We had to grocery shop and then race home, cook, clean, mow the grass, help the girls make a birthday card for their grandfather, take a shower and eat.  Oh, and did i mention that during all that (within an hour and 30 minute time frame) I also worked.  I made a few banners somewhere in there.  We then rushed to his dad’s house for a birthday party, his dad doesn’t really know when he was born (they didn’t keep good records in Greece when he was born) so it fluctuates…this year they decided today would be a good day for a birthday.  We hung out there, was pleasantly not treated like an asshole (only because there were other guests there this time) and then came home too late.  The girls were wired on ice cream cake and soda and didn’t fall asleep til about 11:30.  I worked a bit and now…I’m gonna go to bed and try to rest and hopefully get up early and start over again.

I did discover that my technology challenged husband has a MySpace account.  Which is odd.  I only discovered it by accident, as he let it slip while speaking to his sister and nephew.  Definitely interesting to consider WHY he has it.  Now, to most of you, it’s not a big deal.  And I’m not thinking he’s off having a big fake life over there…it’s just that he never mentioned it.  He can’t even get into his webmail to check it without help. So the fact that he’s got a MySpace acct seems weird.  The fact that he failed to mention it is intriguing.

ok, enough of that stuff.  Gonna hit the hay.  I’m exhausted.

Have a great night!!


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