Friday, October 20, 2006

Moms funny email and telling people off and happy endings :)

Ok, before someone tries to tell me I’m an insensitive bitch…you can keep it to yourself, cause I just don’t care anymore ;)

There is a quote from Dolores Claiborne (Stephen King) where Vera Donovan is telling Dolores about her own past…she said, “Sometimes, being a bitch is all a woman has to hold on to.” I’ve always liked that statement for some reason.  Now, I’m thinking I’m just about past the “bitch” stage (well, except from hubby’s pov) and I’m ready to be really positive. BUT in the meantime, there are a few people I’d like to tell off. After telling of my own hubby and his family, who think I’m a horrid mom and wife due to the lies he’s been telling them (so maybe it’s not their fault completely but they just are too happy to tell me how horrible I am so they need a telling off),  I need to fly over to the UK and tell off a certain Fat Bastard. After collecting Enyo and her little one for a quick flight to the US so she can tell off the Fat Bastard’s mistress for not making the Fat Bastard leave and move to the States to be with her…then they can fly off to Australia and we’ll all live happily ever after!!! Ahhh…wouldn’t it be so nice? I’m very sure it will happen. And soon. I’ve got a good feeling, and since I haven’t had one in AGES! I’m gonna pay attention.

So back to this email mom sent…it’s crude, it’s funny…it’s just one of those things. Like it or ignore it. Your choice :)

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