Tuesday, October 24, 2006

he’s off to get fired…or resign…or something

what a freaking exciting thing to drive an hour for, huh?

This guy that the hubby works for is just such a selfish, ignorant bastard.  I can see that karma is at work with this guy but as it’s causing everyone around him grief, it does suck. But, I’m not so sure the people being effected by his poor judgement, lack of morals are all so innocent.  I mean, really, does my hubby have a history of being a caring, ethical human without a blemish of selfishness or greed on his record?  HAHAHAHA!  Yeah, right.  The thought is quite hilarious.

I think what I’m getting at here is that while the scumboss is dishing out shit, the people who are receiving the shit could very well have dished out their own shit in the past and could possibly just be in line to receive that shit back.  Now, I’m not saying that I haven’t dished out my own shit (yes, I have some points in my past that I’d just as soon say I never was there for, but I was.  I own up to it, and I regret it.  I don’t think that makes me immune to getting paid back for it though) and could possibly just be getting my just desserts.  But, the kids don’t deserve this…of course, they don’t deserve any of the hell they’ve had to watch from the sidelines these last few years.  I’m not sure where I stand on kids and karma…I think that they are supposed to be absorbing all this and using it as a learning tool when they are old enough to understand what is going on.  Maybe?  I don’t know.  All I do know is that getting mad won’t help.  The only thing that can be done (so we can keep moving forward) is to channel the energy and frustration into something productive.

Ok, it’s early, I’m freezing my rear end off (it’s 60 degrees!!  it was in the 80’s 2 days ago!!) and the kids are getting up and want breakfast.  I’ll see you happy people later.


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