My son sort of lost his enthusiasm for learning about the time he started school. His dad and I were divorced by then, and I was left out of the loop (since I chose to let him stay in his familiar house and live with his dad) and never got any reports from school. As he got older, he just got worse. Aside from reading a Calvin and Hobbes or Far Side book (not that they are really what I’d consider “books”) he’s not read anything voluntarily in um…oh wow…ever. I’m trying to save the girls from losing that love of learning. He was so enthusiastic as a young child, it makes me want to kick some teachers ass for killing his spirit. And not only for him, but for me as well. I remember being yelled at for having finished my whole text book in the first week of school (yeah, I’m a total geek) because it made the other kids feel bad. Um…it’s not my fault they were interested in other things. Of course, as a child, it’s traumatic to be told by a teacher, in front of your whole class, that you did something wrong…that doing all your text book lessons in one week was BAD…that learning quickly was a BAD THING!! It shouldn’t be any wonder that I have no respect for the public school system. And I found out that my son was being subjected to that same ass backwards way of thinking when it was almost too late. I think moving him to a better school system and then pulling him out completely, when we moved to this state, to homeschool him was the only way he didn’t end up completely beaten down.
He still didn’t do incredibly well. He was a grade A con artist by then…could get out of doing a lesson in less than 10 seconds and leave me thinking I’d done something great. Now he’s living on his own though and he’s found out that he can’t do that any more. It’s quite a shock to the little shit.
Well, I’ve had a long day and I’m exhausted.
See ya!!
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