Thursday, November 09, 2006

Irresponsible reporting by the Tampa Tribune

I am appalled and ashamed to live in the area covered by this newspaper. I feel dirty and tainted just because I’ve contributed to their business (I subscribed) in the past.

Some obviously bored and ignorant reporters have taken it upon themselves to ruin a mans life. I guess it happens all the time but this time I happened to actually read the news this morning with my coffee. These ignorant individuals have fished out the story of year!! It’s gonna make the earth stop turning!! They’ve saved humanity with their wonderful research skills!! They’ve dug up a gay porn company that is owned by a man working for the Tampa-Hillsborough County Expressway Authority and exposed his privately owned, has nothing at all to do with his job there, company. Oooookay. First of all…what does this have to do with his ability to do a job? Has he done something wrong to instigate someone searching his private activities? Or has he perhaps annoyed someone by speaking up and that someone thought they’d get even by spewing about his private business?
Have they thought about the facts that:
  1. His business is legal
  2. No one is being hurt or exploited, it’s all adults involved
  3. He’s not mixing the two businesses, and as far as their article implies, one does not interfere with the other.
  4. They’ve just eliminated the mans major livelyhood
  5. His family will most likely have to move when they can’t pay their bills. After the water is shut off. After the electricity is shut off. After their cars are taken away. And hopefully before the bank takes their home.
  6. They’ve allowed their own PERSONAL moral beliefs to RUIN a man’s life.
I am just sick that these ignorant people are loose in our community and are able to do damage to anyone they come across.

What someone does in their own time is their own business. And in this town…you have got to be kidding. Tampa is one of the biggest hubs of Adult businesses. There are so many adult webmasters here it’s not even funny. How do I know? Where do you think I learned the cutting edge design that I do? Where did I learn to program? Where did I learn about SEO? Yup, you got it. After searching for jobs in this economic hell hole (Tampa Bay area) and being forced to decide between working in McDonalds or doing design for the local paper (the very same one that ruinned this mans life - of course if they get paid what they pay designers then it’s no wonder they are bitter and evil) I started looking for alternatives.

When the paper wants to pay minimum wage to someone with years of experience, and local businesses haven’t got the money to hire people to do the marketing and advertising they need…and a small adult website was willing to pay me $800 a week…guess who I decided to work for? It’s a no brainer for me. My kids need to eat, I took the job.

And after working with these people…I’d prefer them to the hypocritical, supposedly Christian, bible thumpers here (there are way too many customers from these local isp’s for them to all be as pure as they claim). The webmasters I work with are honest, they make contributions to charity, they are fighting child exploitment, they are the ones watching the internet and getting the scumbags that do that to kids thrown in jail. Who do you think tips off the government? Sure wasn’t that neighbor who got busted for molesting a 9 year old…that CHRISTIAN all the neighbors and the family swear is a fine upstanding man. Nope, it’s adult webmasters who are in a position to alert someone when their is a dirtbag on the net. But these same people get “exposed” by the ignorant, they lose their day jobs, they are ostracized by society…the same society that pays $35 a month to join their porn sites. It’s disgusting.

Ok, so now you all know I have designed adult sites. Honestly, I design all sites. I work for myself now. I will design anything as long as it’s legal. I’m also good and I’m not cheap anymore due to what I’ve learned in the adult industry. I’ve also learned about business and networking from these people. And they are more in touch with reality than the clueless sheeple that walk around being shocked when someone owns an adult site.

If people would stop worrying about what everyone else is doing, and start taking care of their own world…this would be a much nicer place to live. And if the guy that I pay to fix my car also owns an adult website…well then, more power to him! I wish him the best.

You know, the losers who exposed this poor man could have at least linked to his sites so he’d get the benefit of some inbound links.

What a waste.

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