Thursday, November 02, 2006

Anthony Robbins and moving forward

Mom lent me a CD tonight that she just got, it’s Anthony Robbins “Get the Edge - Day 1″ and I’ve half listened to a bit of it while driving, doing dishes, cleaning and moving furniture.  This guy might just be what I need.  If I only walk away from this experience with half his energy, I’ll be a step up from where I am now.  I’m most interested to see this whole package she got.  I might have to invest some money in it.  She got me started on reading Psycho Cybernetics and I’m about 2/3 of the way through but now I have to hurry to finish it so I can start this new one.  You know, I hate it when people start giving me things to do to make my life better and I can’t even be lazy about it.  *sigh*   LOL  (I’m kidding, really)  I’m very excited by the possibilities.  Oh man…the things that I could end up doing and being….what a rush at that thought!!

For now though, I’m gonna go to bed, read as much as I can before passing out and then get up tomorrow, and school my kids and clean.  Hopefully some work will be waiting for me, but if not, this house can use some cleaning.



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