Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Voting and misleading wording on Florida ballot

I voted.  I read all the information before I left, I knew what I was voting for and who I was voting for.  How then, did it take me 15 minutes of reading and rereading one ammendment to make a decision? And I’m not even sure I voted the way I wanted.  I have no idea what the damned thing said!  I got back home and checked again…I think I voted correctly.  BUT when I spoke to a few people about it…they told me they’d voted the opposite.  I asked why they would vote to let the government take their property if it felt it was worth it for the community to put, say for example, a hotel on their lot instead of their home, because it would be for the greater good (that was how I interpretted it - I could be wrong though).  They were shocked and said that isn’t what they voted on!!  But it is.  The ammendment was worded in such a way that it appeared you were voting on one thing, when if you continued and pieced it all together…you were approving of the very thing it implied you were against.  I’m really ticked off.  I have read this so many times tonight and I STILL don’t know if I voted right.  The people I spoke to said they hadn’t been sure of what it said really either, but had gone on the first line of it.  Now they don’t know if they voted right.  This is NOT what government is supposed to do.  Convoluting something so you vote how they want you to is pushing it way too far.  I’m pissed.  I also have a big mouth, I get obsessed with fighting for a good cause, AND I know how to get my sites listed all over the net.  I’m thinking it’s time to start fighting over this.  Now, I’m gonna make sure I’m not blowing up over nothing, but if a group of people meets, discusses it and no one is even debating the issue…on election day…because they are all standing around scratching their heads over whether they even understood what they voted for…something is wrong.

I’ve always thought that starting an education site on the processes of American Government would be great, I can push it to homeschoolers and let them teach their children that there is more than one party, and that they should vote for what they feel is right, not on just a party.  I think the Jefferson in my blood is coming out…I can not sit by and watch the country go to hell in a handbasket.

I’m venting right now…let’s see if I can keep this momentum going and do something that might make me proud of myself.  It’ll embarrass the hell out of my family, but not the ones that matter.  The ones that matter will only say, “I knew you had it in you!! I am so proud!”

ok, gotta tend to kids and get them in bed…again.  :P

see you later

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