Tuesday, December 12, 2006

today was a better day

of course, he’s not been home all day, but still…I woke up early, walked a half mile, did school, worked, took the girls to gymnastics, made them dinner and gave them desert all before 6 and now they are playing with my old dry erase board and markers.  I’m planning another half mile walk this evening.  I got some work done, am catching up from being sick and THIS is the direction I want things to start heading in.  Productive, healthy, fairly content, and not late for anything.  It’s relieving.

I have some more things to get done, I just wanted to comment.

Oh, and I’m also thrilled that Enyo has returned to us.  She hurt herself, so everyone needs to head over and give her some warm “Get Well” wishes.  She can be found here:  This Is My Affair . I was getting very worried about her. And it does suck when you can’t even call and say…”Are you ok?  Do I need to come kill the bastard?  Get you out of jail for killing the bastard?”.  She’s hurt herself, but it could have been worse, so I’ll just be happy that she’s able to write again.

Gotta run now…I’ll be back.


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