Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Lots of talking done today, do I trust him?

We talked today about his horrid behaviour and the reasons behind it.  He admitted he needs a counselor or someone to help him work through his issues, and to help him learn to communicate better.  We’ll see how long he feels this way.  In the past, it’s like him saying it was enough for him and he never followed through on actually doing it.  I think it’s going to be up to me if I want to make him get help.  And as tired as I am with the whole thing, I’m not willing to give up if he’s possibly going to make an effort.  But like I said, we shall see…the track record so far has been spotty, at best.

I’m exhausted.  I laid awake on the couch til 6am when I decided enough was enough and i was going to sleep in my own freaking bed.  I didn’t sleep much there, but at least it was more comfortable.  I’m going to try to get some sleep now.  I have early meetings (early for me anyway) and things to do out of the house with the girls in the afternoon.

nite all


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