Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I’m content today

and have nothing to even whine, complain, announce or otherwise fill up my blog.  Ok, maybe I’ll force myself…LOL

I’ve been seriously sick as a dog for about a week and I’m only just trying to catch up.  What a nightmare.  I have over 700 penis enlargement emails in the general inbox.  And some moron keeps IMing me, trying to tell me I need some XP virus scan (his link is included in all his IMs, of course), and that my system has alerted Microsoft that it’s been infected.  Nice try.  I don’t even own any Microsoft software.  I guess that might actually work on someone who owns something other than a Mac.  I thought it was a bot, but…it’s not.  Unless it’s a fucking good bot.  But then if it were THAT good, it’d know I’m using IM software for a Mac and not send me shit I don’t use.  I’m gonna just keep wasting his time by responding in one word responses for a while. Like.. Oh?  How?  Really? 

Been thinking about my kid going off to Iraq, and now that I’m not sporting a 102 fever while having my period and going through a box of Puffs Plus an hour…I at least stopped crying about it.  That could change.  I’m sort of expecting it to volley back and forth between being proud and being scared to death, until I just settle on being both at once.   I should probably find other moms who have gone through this and see if I should expect a complete breakdown soon…maybe around graduation? 


Ok, going to chug more NyQuil and get some more rest.

OH…yeah…forgot…the hubby and I?  Last week we were on the road to divorce…or jail after I killed him.  Well, after talking to friends, that are just so incredibly good together, about the book (that her hubby went and bought and wanted to discuss with women to clarify some things), “Men are from Mars, Women are From Venus”….I went and got it.  Let me just say that I’m only halfway through it, and hubby is on chapter one (I had lots of time to read when I was bundled up in a blanket on the couch this week), but our relationship has gotten really weird…like…it doesn’t feel like we are trying to get along…we just are.

I had NO idea men thought this way.  And I’m watching his reactions to things and…I think this book is on to something!!  This should be required reading in like, oh…I don’t know….maybe…Fourth grade!!  Anyway, there are many other Mars/Venus books, including…[drum roll please]…how to deal with substance abuse in a relationship.  :)   That will be the next purchase.

Ok, I’m going to jump in bed next to the furnace (hubby) and read til I pass out.

See you all later!!


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