Monday, March 10, 2008

T - 56 minutes and there is no one to share it with!!!!

Endeavor is scheduled to launch in less than an hour and everyone here is sleeping so I can’t share my excitement with anyone.

What a total bummer.

I love watching shuttle launches and landings.  Living right across the state from Cape Canaveral makes that a fairly simple thing to do.  We can see launches from my living room window.  It’s pretty damned sweet.

To top off the whole bummer situation…it’s cloudy.


OH well…I’ll settle for a safe launch and watching it on Nasa TV.  As long as they get through this mission safely, then I will consider myself lucky to get to watch it at all.

ok, going to watch final launch procedures (I’m so fucking excited I almost can’t type!!!)
and for the record it’s now T - 52 minutes….



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