Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Why does the internet bring out the most childish of behaviors?

I’m sort of spinning now…going from one room to the next, doing a few dishes, then wandering off to the laundry, then wandering off to the next thing…never actually completing anything at this point.  Anyway, in the course of my wanderings I plopped down here and started reading the news.  One article just made me so sad.  There is a woman, April Branum, in California who is overweight and didn’t know she was pregnant til 2 days before she gave birth.  Ok, that isn’t horrible.  I’m sure it’s not the first time it’s happened.  What is horrible is the childish and nasty remarks her situation got on her local news website about the article.  These people, who do not know this woman, had the audacity to question her parenting abilities based on everything from her weight and the condition of the room she was photographed in.  I will venture a guess here and say that most of those people who made negative comments are not perfectly toned, healthy, neat freaks and they most likely are also overweight and live in conditions that aren’t the most pristine.  Some people need to make others look bad or feel bad in order to not feel so horrible about their own lives.  They take out their own frustrations with their selves on innocent people they don’t even know.  God forbid someone find one of these anonymous souls and dished out commentary on their own personal choices or habits.  They’d never be able to take the heat.  That is why they thrash people with a virtual whip under the cover of an anonymous username.  They are cowards.

I think that until you have lived with someone or experienced their world firsthand, you have no room to talk.  You should worry about your own world and start fixing your own problems.  In other words, Mind Your Own Business.  Once your world is self sustaining and healthy, then go out and find others who need your compassion, not your judgement.  Make an effort to help people, don’t condemn them because you aren’t happy with yourself.   If we could all do that, maybe our world wouldn’t be such a mess.

So, Congratulations to April on the birth of her beautiful baby!!  And to everyone else, grow up, start thinking like adults and use your noggin to make the world a better place!


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