Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Why do my allergies act up worse in the winter than in the summer?

I know that plant life doesn’t actually ever go dormant here, but for the love of Pete! they can stop blooming or sprouting or whatever it is that makes my allergies go nuts.  Just for a little while.  I really would expect a bit of a reprieve in the winter but I guess not.

The allergies totally kick my ass.  I mean I’m pretty much useless.  I drive the kids to classes and smile and nod…but don’t ask me to hook up a dvd recorder (which my friend unfortunately did yesterday during a particularly bad day - I’ll have to call and apologize for abandoning that project after 5 minutes).

I do have Claritan that mom bought and brought me last night. She had to buy it for me.  Not because I couldn’t afford it, but because some moron decided when and how much I could buy at a time.  This stupid law that says you can’t buy Claritan-D without ID and swearing on your firstborn that you are using it for you.  AND them keeping track of it all in a computer database is just beyond ignorant.  I mean, WTF is selling me enough pills to take for a month at a time going to do?  Is it really that easy to make whatever drug it is that they make?  AND why do the employees at the drug store tell me I can’t have any because I bought it too recently even when I haven’t?  And when I complain no one seems to have a clue.  I mean, I’m giving some employee at the drug store - not even a pharmacist, just a cashier in most cases - my ID (which they copy everything off of) and signature…who says they aren’t using this info to buy boxes of the crap for friends who are drug maker/pusher/users/whatevers?  It’s not an incredibly foolproof system.  It’s the stuff that total idiots who’ve never really dealt with reality come up with.

So, now that my evil bitch side is loose in the blog, I should really just drink my damned Red Bull and go clean up the kitchen so I can start school.  I think she’s had enough soapbox time today.  Oh! The kids are starting to clean up their dishes, so I guess I really do have to go.

Have a wonderful day…I might be back, I might not…I’ve seen my record for showing up every day so…I guarantee nothing!  LOL


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