Monday, October 17, 2011

It's been a long, strange trip, my friends...but I'm back!

This blog was started in 2006 to give me an outlet for expressing my absolute misery in a way that would allow me to get it all out while not getting me in trouble with my husband and family. 

I stopped blogging in June 2008.  I'm not sure why I stopped.  I wish I hadn't so I could have documented the complete insanity that continued after that.

It's now 2011, I'm in the middle of a divorce, moved across the country to get away from my husband and the rest of the family (that seems to have forgotten he's a violent and unstable person), had the husband agree to let the girls come with me (we were going to share time with them equally) and then after he gave me just enough money to get here from the tax return, he let me get to California, got a lawyer and then said he was keeping the girls. 

I have a plan and you are welcome to hang out and watch to see if the plan will work the way I hope it will, or if I will have to walk back to Florida and fight with nothing to get two of the three most important parts of my life back in a safe environment.

At this point I'm starting up with the blog to keep documenting the crap he's doing to my kids, that he's allowed to do to my kids because HE has an income and a lawyer.  The kids are miserable, there is absolute chaos there every day.  I get multiple phone calls from crying kids every day.  They are getting violent, injuring each other and screaming and crying all day long.  He's put them in school because he says he can't watch them and work.  Well, if he hadn't lied and kept them there when they were supposed to be with me, that would never have been a problem.  Of course, he told everyone I abandoned them, and I found out real quick who my friends were.  I'll get in to details later, though. 

Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate you taking the time to join me in this adventure called life. 



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