Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Paradigm shift

Things are changing again here.  Mostly my point of view is changing and DAMN! Does it feel good!!!  I spent 3 days at a seminar, which could be described better as an experiential learning weekend.  My husband went as well.  Now, that might seem like a logical thing for a husband and wife to go learn together, especially when it’s learning how to break through the road blocks we set up for ourselves as we travelled through our lives.  But, I’m fairly sure he just thinks I’m a tad whacky and he wanted to make sure he knew what he was in for when I got home.  Now he’s pretty sure I’m just nuts and he’s refused to go back to the second part of the seminar.  Oh well.  He’s not ready but I am…we’ll see what that means to our relationship when we get there.

Ok, I have a meeting to get out of here for…I’ll catch up and blab more when I return.

See ya!!!


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