Thursday, April 03, 2008

Wow! I am so totally and completely depressed right now

I woke up with this unshakable misery stuck to me today.

My kid is off in Harrisburg, PA getting sworn into the Army this morning and I could not avoid the article about the 23 year old who lives in my town that got killed a week before coming home from Iraq to get married.  So now his family is planning his funeral instead of his wedding.  That was disturbing but I kept shutting it out.  Maybe it got back in while I was sleeping?

I also woke up to hubby storming around huffing and puffing about how miserable he is.  Well, that could have rubbed off on me.

He also made the most hideous pot of coffee ever this morning so I’ve not had coffee.  He just left so I may dump it and make my own.  Or I’ll just drink Red Bull.

He’s back to running on pure emotion and it’s bad. This is where things go terribly wrong.  Like we got a letter from the power company a few days ago.  He didn’t bother to open it.  It’s a shut off notice.  For today.  So if I disappear, you know where I went.  ;)   He does this though, and now I’m also stuck here with no food because he’s so absorbed in his misery that he’s failed to notice that I said we were out of vitals a few dozen times.  So the girls are eating Ramen and dry cereal.

We also have to go to the dentist and the vet today.  I have NO money.  I was working all freaking day yesterday on quotes for people but no one ever wants to commit.  People don’t get it.  A quote takes time.  That is non-billable time if they don’t want the job.  But they keep asking for more and more things, then sit on it for weeks.  I don’t mind them doing their research, shopping around, but it’s frustrating when they never intended to spend money in the first place.  I get, “Oh! I wasn’t going to spend THAT much!”  alot.  I have a price list online…why are they shocked when I give them a quote??  And my prices are very reasonable.  I should be charging twice what I do.   Maybe I just need to stop giving quotes and send them to the price page of my site and tell them to add it up themselves.  And anything extra that is not listed…well, I’ll figure that out after I get a deposit.

It’s really not my clients faults that I’m broke.  I’m just being bitchy today.  I should be charging twice what I do.  That is my own fault.

Ok, gotta get the kid to dentist.  See you all later!

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