Tuesday, April 08, 2008

My Alzheimer’s Post…not to be outdone by Meg…

We now have our own Alzheimer’s experiences.  And this is really nothing compared to Meg’s experiences…so she is still the Queen of Patience and Understanding…

Yesterday our neighbor banged our door.  He said he wasn’t feeling well.  He’s in his 70’s or 80’s so we assumed he was out for a walk and started feeling ill.  We brought him in, put up his feet, gave him some water and then my husband sat there chatting with him.  He seemed really disoriented.  Hubby kept asking if we should call his wife and let her know where he was.  He kept saying no.  Then hubby asked if his wife was ok?  Did we need to check on her.  He just said “she’s not ok”.  Then he started having problems finishing sentences.

So, I put the kids in my office, got then set up on Webkinz and ran over to the neighbors house.  She was just driving in and was frantic.  I told her he was at our house and she had to run in her house and call her daughter to tell her that he was ok.  They also had to call the police to let them know they found him.  Apparently there were LOTS of police looking for him.  This is when I learned he has Alzheimer’s.  I called hubby real quick to tell him since he was patiently at home trying to follow the conversation with the man.

His wife and I got back over here, and he was adamant about not going home.  There were too many people in the house.  I was just in the house…there is no one but her and him.  She said he’s been doing this the last few days.  She said he suddenly  just got so much worse, can’t remember common words, etc.  And he runs off when she does things like take a shower (that was when he left and ended up here yesterday).  She seriously having a hard time.  I can’t even imagine having to keep an eye on him 24/7 and then some.  The police showed up to verify that he was ok.  The sheriff said there were literally 20 cars out looking for him.  Since our neighborhood is all waterfront, they took the fact that he was gone very seriously.  He actually has an ankle bracelet on that has a transmitter on it.  But they kept saying it hasn’t gone anywhere…well, he was 100 ft from the house so maybe it wasn’t far enough to pick up any change?  Or maybe they thought he was in the canal?  OR they thought he’d managed to get it off…  The sheriff was very patient and wonderful about it all.  He kept making sure everyone was fine with the situation and then he chatted a few minutes to calm down the neighbor…it was very nice to see someone so patient and compassionate working for the Police department, it gives you a new perspective compared to the crap you see on the news (so thanks Officer/Deputy/Sheriff Cain!!)

So, this morning…who is knocking on our door again?  The neighbor.  This time he wants to talk to my Dad (I’m guessing he means hubby) and I go tell hubby his new best friend is here to see him.  Today he’s brought hubby some pictures from the war for “safe keeping”.  I motion to hubby to just take them (I’ll get them back to his wife in an hour or so when he’s forgotten he even came over).  And then he walks him home.

An hour later…he’s back.  He got in trouble for bringing the pictures.  But now he’s got booze.  Hubby takes him home again.

I’m wondering how often we should be expecting our new friend.  And I’m wondering how long his wife is going to be able to deal with this new habit of his.  She looks to be at her wits end.

This really is such an ugly disease.  I feel so bad for everyone who has to live with it.


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