Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I hate to say this

but even with the alcohol the shit here is going bad again.  Did I really think things were going to be so great?  I was very hopeful.

I’ve tried not to bitch too much, but I’m going to have to take action. After talking to my mom and best friend from when I was 10 for hours last night…I have realized that denial isn’t getting me anywhere.
I can bitch about all that hubby does wrong, but that won’t get me any closer to being happy.
I can make a plan and stick to it no matter what Captain Chaos tries to throw my way.  That is the only option really.  Oh, the thought of that makes me tired.  But I am almost as tired of being tired as I am of listening to myself whine.

So, I say to everyone in my usual tactless way…it’s time for me to shit or get off the pot.  If you want to hang around, you are more than welcome to.  But don’t bitch at me when it starts to get unpleasant in here!  LOL

The prospects of what my future holds scares me to the point of hives.  I am literally breaking out in large welts all over my face as I type.

As of this moment, all I can do is work on my own and my girls futures…even if it means creating progress in a warzone.  It has to be done for all of our sakes.

And I can’t keep typing to avoid life (as much as I’d like to).  I’ll be back later.

I am now putting on my shiny suit of armor and mounting my magnificent steed…the battle with my own bad habits and lack of self worth is about to commence…consider yourselves warned!


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