Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Search results

There seems to be quite a few people searching for Anthony Corder from Tora Tora out there. I was gonna try to help you out by directing you down the right path, but my own rock and roll sources seem to have given up on the net. Oh well. It happens. The only significant bit of information out there is on MySpace on the Tora Tora band page…and that’s not exactly up to date. I got all excited thinking I could watch the Walking Shoes or Amnesia videos…but…no such luck. They have links up but they are dead. You can hear Faith Healer and Dancing with a Gypsy though, so it’s not a completely wasted trip. And if you look in their friends list…L’Amour??? IN STATEN ISLAND?? When the HELL did that happen?? Damn. I am farther out of the loop than I realized.

And as for the other search strings in my stats…some are just plain disturbing. Maybe not so much that they were searching for these things but…HOW did my site come up in the search results?? I know the strangest crap happens in search engine land, but still…it’s just odd. And no I’m not going to list them all. I don’t want more people finding my site when they search for these things only to realize that I was bitching about people finding my site when they search for these things. :P Not only would that be frustrating, it’d also be rude. I’m sure their needs are very real and important, I just don’t have anything to offer them here.

Ok, I’m about a pot of caffeine shy of being functional. Going to dance around the coffee maker while it slowly drips, drips, drips….


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