Monday, February 25, 2008

Accidents and business

they have nothing to do with each other, I just thought I’d talk about both though.

Friday, hubby got hit by another car while sitting still in traffic.  Our poor truck is mooshed in the back, but he’s alright and that is really what matters, right?  The phone calls and interrogation by the insurance company has been quite exhausting though.  I bought our insurance (we’d been illegal due to lack of money to pay for the crap) about an hour before he got hit.  Good thing he hit hubby and not the other way around.  It seems that esurance says you are covered from the minute you buy it BUT they won’t pay a claim that occurs within 12 days of purchasing it.  Nice, huh?  What exactly is the point of that crap?  You are covered but we aren’t going to cover you.  I’m not impressed.  We don’t need them right now, but now that I know that…well, my attitude is not a good one.  I’ll be rethinking this all around renewal time.  The kid that hit him is 6 months older than my son.  He’s 19 and this is not his first accident.  He was looking pretty depressed by the time I got there to view the damage.  But, like I said…no one got hurt and that is what counts.  Maybe he’ll learn to drive safer and keep from killing someone in the future.

Business is getting good and now I’m afraid I have no idea how to keep it under control.  I’ve hired two people to help me with stuff and I’m going to be looking for some design students to take on more jobs.  Now I gotta make more money so I can pay my employees AND myself.

Ok, going to get back to work.  See you all later!!

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