Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I’m gonna quit telling you I’ll be back…

…because when I do, I don’t make it back for weeks!

Just to give you an indication of how busy I am, I bought the book “How did I get so busy?” which is supposed to try to help you figure out why you keep overloading yourself with crap to do…and I haven’t had time to read anything but the first chapter.  I think I’m gonna have to force this one, take an hour every other day or so.  Otherwise, it isn’t going to get read.  And I think I really need it!

On the personal level:  shit is the same.  Surprised?  I’m not.  All I can say is i have a plan.  I’m working on the plan.  the plan is working.  Not sure there is much more to it right now.

I did have a thought earlier (as I was dragging the garbage cans back in the house while still clad in my Eeyore pajamas)…you have to wonder how much a person cares for you when they leave the house and have to almost drive over the cans to get out and don’t bother bringing them back up to the garage.  Well, actually, I’m talking about someone who used to do it and now just doesn’t give a fuck about anything.  It used to be something that “just had to be done” so he did it.  Now it’s like he’s driving through the lawn to leave them for me to go get.  He also used to be the one that took out the garbage, like he’d race me to get it.  Now?  I think I take it out 75% of the time.   AND bringing the cans up is not a huge deal to me normally, but where we live is the main road of our neighborhood so it’s busy AND we get fined for having cans out past a certain time in the morning.  So I have to panic and race out in my jammies to grab stinky cans and drag them up to the garage before the trash can police get me.  He walks past them and up to the garage to get in his truck when he leaves in the morning.  How hard is it to stick out your hand and grab the cans?

That was just one more thing I noticed today.  The foundation is crumbling…I’m just reporting what I notice as I notice it.

ok, so I’m alive, I’m not stressed, I’m going to read my book and make some progress and I’m going to go to bed at a human hour (as opposed to a nocturnal animal hour) and get some rest.

Did I mention that I have PMS?  I’m especially bitchy today so that might be why I thought of the trash can thing this morning as i was running them in so no one would see me in my jammies (it didn’t work, btw, neighbors all waved and smiled like I’m a loon, and maybe I am, who knows?? LOL )

Ok, going to read.  See you all later!!


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