Thursday, April 19, 2007

My kids are so cool

I just thought I’d announce that to the world.  :-)

We have a ballet recital this weekend.  I am thinking of making it a really big deal to make my oldest daughter really happy about all the work she put into this.  Maybe this will give her some positive association with hard work and help her in the future.

I also had a “What would the Bratz do?” conversation yesterday.  LOL  The girls are having issues with making the decision to join the gymnastics team.  Their instructor asked them to try out.  The oldest one is just busting at the seams about it and wants to join so bad she can’t contain herself, but won’t do it if the younger one doesn’t.  The youngest looks like she wants to do it, but keeps saying she doesn’t want to.  She told my mom her reason was that she was afraid she’d fall in front of everyone.

I don’t want her to not do something she loves and regret it.  I don’t want to push her to do something she’s not ready to do.  It really sucks to watch her struggle with it, too.  I think she’s really just scared and that she’d love it if she went to do it.

They were pretending to be one Bratz doll or the other last night so I got the brilliant idea…”Hey! What would the Bratz do if they had to decide to join the gymnastics team or not?”  The answer was “They’d do it in a heartbeat!” And then the talk turned to nothing but gymnastics WHILE they did kartwheels and somersaults in their room.  They are just constantly doing tumbles, flips…I have to threaten them to get them to stop doing it on the ceramic tile floor.  I mean, they’d kartwheel across the house to come to dinner still if I let them.  I’m not trying to push an awkward kid who sort of thinks she likes to tumble into joining a gymnastics team.  I’m trying to help a kid not regret a decision made based on unrealistic fears.  And their instructor thinks  they are both extremely talented (well, so do I, but I’m their mom…I’m supposed to think that! LOL ) and she’s gone out of her way to make sure I know she thinks they should both try out next month.

Ok, I’m going to let her think on it a few more days, and then bring it up subtly again.  Maybe she will make up her own mind if she thinks I’m not pressuring her for an answer.  She can always quit if it’s too hard.  BUT she can’t join again unless someone quits…which could be next year.  We are talking potential for lots of resentment towards her sister if she doesn’t join and then finds out how much she would have loved it and then CAN’T join for a year.  It would be her own fault, but still…kids minds don’t always behave rationally.  I just want to make sure she’s aware of the possibilities and can make an informed decision she won’t regret.

Alright, I’m off to get some work done now.  See ya’ll tomorrow.

Nite :)

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