Saturday, April 21, 2007

Start getting positive

I was at a friends house the other day, along with my mom, and we were discussing the law of attraction. We’ve all been doing our own little experiments the last few weeks and we were discussing outcomes. It’s extremely interesting how a simple shift in my attitude has made things that were such a big deal seem to have disappeared. AND the most interesting thing is how many new opportunities and jobs have ‘appeared’ since I changed my attitude.

I am also shifting my attitude about having money. I think maybe I had some sort of negative connection to having money…or to ME making money. Not sure why though. There are tons of possible reasons, most likely it’s the ‘you aren’t even worthy enough to make noise’ attitude that I got during my entire childhood. While I attempt to change my opinion and the emotions that go with it, I’ll see if I can’t figure out why (to help it make sense if possible?) and squash it from that end as well. Sometimes, I think, when we find a source of our behavior that comes from our childhood, and we take a look from the adult point of view…it causes the effects of it to disappear into a puff of smoke.
Example: As a child, an adult you trust is passionately negative about a politician. You grow up hearing how they are just the most horrible person on earth. Then one day, decades later, you are compared to that person by someone who adored the same politician. Now…most likely you are going to take that comment and have a negative reaction (at least internally) to it. Probably, you will take it as an insult and get angry. But WHY did you get angry? The person did not mean it as an insult, it was quite the opposite. You got angry because of a trigger that was planted years before. You reacted to something the way you were trained to react. Now, as an adult…you rationally think about the fact that you honestly know nothing about this politician…and that the comment made was, in fact, positive. Then you think about it from an adult point of view, and realize your trusted adult was reacting in a childishly negative way. Now the idea of someone comparing you to that person is no longer offensive. And if you do get twinges of that same negative reaction, you can tell yourself that it’s ridiculous and keep moving on. It no longer has the same power.

I don’t think we should dwell on crap that happened in our past that makes us act irrationally. I do think we should examine our irrational behaviors and try to figure out what we are getting out of it (No matter how good or bad it is, if we weren’t getting something out of it, we wouldn’t be doing it.) even if it’s just that we are getting to be content with something familiar. Sometimes reviewing incidents in our past help us to eliminate some behaviors and sometimes it might be a waste of time. I opt for making a bit of effort to fix a destructive behavior.

And…where was I going with this?? I think I’m doing too much at once. I’m in two client meetings and trying to write this. Can you say “self-destruction”? LOL Yes, I am very much a self-destructive person when it comes to success. The minute I start to do really well I kill it. I quit working, I get preoccupied with non-work things…I do things that just cause problems with the work I am supposed to be doing. But…I’m on to me now! And I better watch out…cause I’m watching. Me. Hmm…why do I feel like Jack Sparrow now? I’m making no bloody sense at all! Except I am. To me anyway.
Oookay. Gonna go work so I can get to bed at a reasonable hour (anytime before 4 is reasonable to me). Later all!


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