Sunday, December 16, 2007

Unstable men

I know that my friends and my mom worry about me and the girls here, and lately I’m starting to wonder just HOW unstable the ole hubby really is.  Nothing has happened here, but there has been a new reason for me to take yet another look at the possibilities.

This morning we woke up and I drank my coffee while he read some news article that he was browsing through.  It seems a man in the area killed his ex wife, their two children and the ex wife’s live in girlfriend/lover.  I think hubby’s comments were mostly aimed at the concept that some guy went nuts after his wife left him for a woman.  That was the end of it.  I was immediately aware that this was a good opportunity to bring up how absolutely sad that was that some person thought they had the right to take another persons life, and no matter what she had done, it did not warrant a death sentence for her, her kids and the lover (who had a 4 yr old as well, btw). Just so he knew my point on the matter in case he was considering such a thing.  :P   That was the end of discussing it.  Or so I thought.

A few hours after he left for work, my friend calls me.  She’s in shock. She’s freaked.  She’s whispering.  I’m like, “What happened????”

Her, “Did you read the paper today?”

Me, “No”

Her, “Oh my God!! I’m in shock, I can’t believe it!  I opened it up and the front page says 5 Die in Family Murder/Suicide” and I see the names and Oh my God!! I know them!  WE know them!  etc, etc….”

Turns out we do know them. She better than I, but we do.  After a conversation shortened by children barging in (children who knew them too and who seemed to have radar and knew we didn’t want them within earshot to even hear the slightest bit of this), she gets upset and tells me that she’s worried my hubby is going to do the same.

Now, I have already admitted this is not a foreign idea…and that I’m fairy sure he’s not entirely emotionally stable…but how do you determine whether someone is “murder/suicide unstable” or just “I’m so stressed I’ll revert to being like my chauvinistic drunken asshole father and make up conversations we never even had unstable”?? And is there much difference?  AND if I get paranoid and leave will it make him going from not dangerous unstable to dangerous unstable?

I have to say my gut says I should be very cautious but I don’t feel him doing anything like that.  I think cautious here is more about me getting my ducks in a row before I spring anything like divorce papers on him cause that is going to make him just a little more unstable.  But I see him downing a few bottles of scotch, spending the rest of his life bitching about what a miserable horrid bitch I am to his parents or anyone who will listen.

And, going back to the guy who did kill his kids and ex wife…HE was SO not someone you’d ever think was capable of that.  Oh my God!! He LOVED, no..he ADORED, WORSHIPPED his kids.  He was so happy, loving, open minded, it’s just fucking a shock to believe that this man did this.  You never would have known!  I guess he snapped after the whole divorce and his wife leaving for a woman, but…if he can snap, then anyone in the world could!

How do you know?

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