Monday, August 13, 2007

Today we are back on schedule!! Woohoo!

We started school up again.  Officially, that is.  We do school every day of the year since we sort of un-school.  Life is a learning experience so it’s all school, really.  But today we started back up with workbooks for our basic skills.  I think some of this stuff will be getting skipped but only after I’ve had time to review what progress has been made over the last few workbook free months.  Actually, they’ve not been workbook free.  I went to set up my little 3-ring binder this morning…and while listing books we use and what the basic schedule will be…I noticed that my little munchkins have completed large chunks of workbook on their own.  I’m not sure when they did it…but they did it.  And it’s all correct.
Oh, I’m very proud of the 8 year old and have to put it on record, she completed Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingells Wilder (247 pages) last night.  It took her about 2 weeks.  I’m so proud…she’s a bookworm like her mom!  :-)

Ok, I have a wicked headache.  We had a fairly large argument last night which might be the reason why I’m hurting more than normal.  I wish I had a valve in my head to let some of the pressure out sometimes.  I’m taking Claritan but it can only do so much.  It might be time to move up to prescription strength meds. 

I’m going to go get some house stuff done and then come back in and work.


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