Sunday, August 26, 2007

Ok, that is better….

I spent over an hour tonight, possibly 2…fixing this blog. The css for the site was borked and making me nuts. It’s been that way for months but tonight it just irked me over the edge.

There were no line breaks!

It was all smooshed up together!

There was no white space!!

It was horrid.

The proper tags were in the source code but not working in the visible page. So, I tore it apart and here were are. My sidebar is a bit “off” but…it’s almost 4am. It can wait til tomorrow.

I was thinking of Solaris being a Night-Owl and how we’ve all corrupted her on so many levels :D (insert lollies here) , and I was working on CSS and well….my brain started wandering off into where ever it goes when I’m not holding the reins.  I have music playing during this time as well…this is a big part of where this is going, mind you.

So I’m floating in my own virtual petri dish composed of my past memories and the music suddenly snaps me back.  But not back to the present…I am suddenly 16 years old, crawling in the house at 9am, too much makeup, too much hairspray, not enough clothes…and my father is in the kitchen, sees me and says, “Well, look what the cat dragged in”…and being that was one of my favorite songs at the time, I thought it was a compliment.  So I grabbed some toast and took my exhausted, leather and lace clad skinny self up to bed to sleep til it was time to go out later.  Oh, yes, the song that came on was “Look What The Cat Dragged In” by Poison.

This happens all the time (not coming in at 9am after an evening or two of total decadence and debauchery, but the music inspired trips down memory lane).  I’m not sure if it’s normal for anyone else, but it’s very normal for me.  I grew up in music world though, it could just be me.

I have been playing music, singing, and working/married to the music industry…or rather…WAS until I met current hubby.

OO OO OO …  :D   (hang on, shifting gears…)

I’m one of those people who stops what they are doing to announce the current song that just came on.  At least when I like it.  OR it’s really funny.

So Queensryche just came on.  OMG!!  Queensryche and Mindcrime have Wikipedia pages!!!!!  And they recorded Mindcrime in PA??  A couple of hours from where I lived???  (I honestly went to see if I could find the lyrics to what was on so I could copy and paste something but…I got totally sidetracked by that, sorry)

Everybody shift gears again!!

There are two voices that will absolutely meld with my soul while I’m listening to them.  One is my first lust object ever…and it was all because of his voice.  He was nice to look at but, I was 9 when I ‘fell in love with’ Steve Perry.  Both of my daughters are ‘in love with’ Steve Perry.  I swear I had nothing to do with it.  I was totally numb at the point they found my Journey CDs.  I’d quit living, quit listening to music.  So the Steve Perry thing must be genetic.

Anyway, Steve Perry’s voice…I can’t describe what happens.  I feel his voice.  Ok, I’m not even gonna keep trying to explain…I’m sitting here for 5 minutes at time trying to figure out how to describe and indescribable feeling.

The second is Geoff Tate of Queensryche, and it’s the same thing.  That voice just flows through me, it’s like a river of energy…ebbing and flowing in my core.

Now I like Journey, they are talented and they held my hand through tons of breakups, they were the only people in the world who really understood what I was feeling in those moments.  At least that is what I felt at the time.  But Steve Perry is really what made me listen to Journey.  Queensryche?  I could listen to each individual member do their own thing and be thrilled.  The talent in that group is just amazing.  I remember the first time I heard them, their EP had just been released and a friend had it.  I think that might have been the biggest connection between my ex and I.  We can still discuss Queensryche when we do talk.  When he was on the road right after Mindcrime had come out, we’d discuss who did it…it was the most exciting thing to discuss (can you say Red Flag?).  Of course he figured out that Mary had killed herself about the 4th time he listened to the whole thing.  But what really attracted him is where our interests split.  He was hell bent on figuring out how to do the drums for the songs.  We had our little 12 piece Tama set in the guest room and when he was home, he’d head down and just play and play…I can remember him watching a video of one of the songs…and then he started cursing (excitedly), ran downstairs and started banging away.  He had figured out how Scott Rockenfield was doing something he was totally lost on.  (I’m clueless on drums…so I have no idea).  Btw, the ex was not his bands drummer, he was the lead singer…The Flashy, Makeup Wearing, Long Hair, Good Looking Ringleader of his little band of talented misfits.

Wait, how did I get here?  Ah yes, it all started with me having a memory blast due to music.
I have some of the most profound thoughts, revelations, realizations, ideas and discoveries when listening to music.  It doesn’t even have to be good music…just music that moves me.  I like music for the emotion it gives off.  I love Mozart, Journey, Queensryche…all very good musicians.  And while I’m not saying these are bad, they aren’t quite the musical genius level of someone like Rush or Queensryche.  I like listening to fun bands…Poison, Cinderella, LA Guns, Motley Crue, Kix, Tora Tora (I like them, but I REALLY liked Anthony Corder, he was such a sweetie, that might have made their music just a bit more awesome to me)…and there are tons more I’m not even gonna list.
I think I’m way off course now.  It’s 5am.  We’ll have to pick this up tomorrow when I can stay focused.  (I’m sure you’ll all be holding your breath! LOL)

ACK! Motorhead is on…definitely my cue to skidoo…

See you all later!!


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