Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ice skating in Florida

We went ice skating today.  Well, the girls went.  I wanted to but I was afraid I’d fall on my butt in front of 200 homeschoolers.  Yes, I caved into the pressure and didn’t skate with my girls.  I’m an ass.  We are going back and I swear I’m going to do it.  The look of disappointment was too much.  Last week we went to the town pool with friends.  They’ve built this great pool complex complete with a giant water-park sized water slide.  My friend was having a bad day and since we were due to meet at the pool for a homeshool meeting, I called to check on her status.  She informed me at that point that I’d BETTER be bringing my bathing suit.  If she had to get in with her 3 year old, I had just BETTER be going with her.  Tears were on the way, and it seemed like going along with it seemed like a good plan.

Well..let me tell you…I don’t wear a bathing suit in public.  I hate wearing one in my own pool.  I despise what my body has gone and done to itself while I was trying to hide under a rock these last 10 years…BUT I HAD FUN!!  She and I went down the water slide.  The look on my kids faces was worth a million dollars!  MOM WENT DOWN THE SLIDE!!! BAHAHAHAHA!!!!  Good thing they didn’t think of getting the camera out until we’d already done it.  :

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