Thursday, May 31, 2007

I need a secretary or helper or something

I just can’t seem to accomplish all I want to every day.  And now that hubby is working from home, the emotional roller coaster is starting to take it’s toll.

After a billion years in the restaurant industry, he’s decided to get out.  Which is fine with me.  He used to sell life insurance for MetLife at one point in NJ so he went looking to get back into that.  Somehow he ended up doing Health Insurance, which is fine…same thing from an income standpoint really.  But he’s not made that many sales and he’s starting to stress.  And drink.  The breakdown is coming, I can see it.  I’m trying not to let it effect me but it’s hard.  I keep finding myself getting pissed off at him for being so weak.  And I honestly feel it is weakness…and I want to tell him so but that will push him even farther under.

So, on a better note, I’ve started a Goal-Binder with my friend.  This is basically my only friend in the state.  She homeschools too.  We spent last weekend at a homeschool conference and got ourselves all motivated.  I am working through some small wrinkles in my idea of how to keep more organized, but at least I’m working on it.  I should have it all good within a week, I think.

Back to the Goal Binder, it’s our way of keeping track of our goals, as well as keeping ourselves in line on what our responsibilities are in the goal achievement and what we’ve done already.  It’s something we check over a coffee in the morning and at night before bed.  And we get together once a week to make sure our books are in order, sort of like scrapbooking for organizing junkies.

Ok, we had a power outage and I can only get to a few places online…this was one of them.  I’ll have to go have a coffee and come back to see if I can get in my “office”.



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