Saturday, May 05, 2007

It’s Derby Day!!!

I’m excited.  I’m going to park myself in front of the television in a few hours and watch the festivities.  Although this year is sure to have a somber note to it, I saw that the Jacksons were being honored with $25,000 to go to the Barbaro fund for the New Bolton Center.  That’s great that the center will be benefiting from the incredibly work they did.

The Queen of England is due to be there as well.  This should be interesting to watch.  One day I’m going to be IN the crowd instead of watching it from my living room.  I think I shall make a plan to take the girls and mom…and go buy the most outrageous big hats we can find for our Derby Debut.  :-)

I’m not drinking any Mint Juleps though.  Ok, maybe I’ll try one.  But I quit the hard liquor a long time ago…and I can’t imagine my taste buds would be too happy about whiskey, no matter what it’s mixed with.

Ok, off to work…



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