Sunday, May 25, 2008

Winter needs a new home!

I’m not sure how many people outside of the Tampa area have really been paying attention to her, but Winter is a young dolphin that was rescued off the coast of Florida after being caught in a crab trap.  Despite all of the odds being against her, and the fact that her tail had to be amputated, she is thriving!  She is also getting too big for her current tank. She’s also been fitted with a prosthetic tail which allows her to swim faster and farther…so she NEEDS a bigger place to live.

She is at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, and they are asking for donations to get a larger holding tank up to par for Winter to live in. This tank will have windows for viewing, so you can see how this amazing dolphin can swim with her prosthetic tail.

You can read the details here, and see some video about this amazing little dolphin.   

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