Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I’m worried about me too Karin :)

it’s been ages since I’ve had time to blog.  I might need a vacation so I can just sit here and blog for hours and hours.  LOL

As usual, I’m working my ass off, making lots of money and it’s all just going to fill in that big hole that someone dug in our financial situation.  I’m hoping that one day I’ll start to see the top of the pile that I’m tossing in there.  In fact I’m very excited about seeing the top of the pile.  I wanna see the top of the pile, take a big bundle of cash off of it, and go buy food and clothes for my mom and family and friends who have been nice enough to bring me stuff when they knew we needed it.

Things are moving up in the world.  I’m going to visit my best friend since 5th grade on Friday.  She’s coming into town for a veterinary conference.  That will be lots of fun.  I should take my geriatric dog who has recently begun to fall apart and see if they need “guinea pig” for things that will make her a happier dog.  She’s starting to get some odd things on her…it’s a bit disturbing.  On the priority scale, she’s like fifth in line for a doctor.  She’ll be ok, I’m tending to most of it myself.  Mostly skin stuff that is easily remedied with some attention and some tar shampoo. 

Hubby is definitely not compatible with me.  It’s just the way it is.  And I was dealing with the whole situation really well after some vigorous yoga sessions but it’s been 3 weeks and I’m starting to slip back into being mad at him for the entire time he’s in the house.  That could have a little bit to do with him going and buying scotch after having not had any in months (or so he says).  What the hell does he need that shit for if he went that far without it?  What a waste.  He’s also gotten in trouble at work for doing things that are blatantly against the rules and gets pissed at the people who discovered it when he gets caught.  It’s amazing…if you listen to him, the whole world is out to screw him over.

Oh well.  Things are pretty much still the same as usual relationship-wise.  The relationship is dead, it just hasn’t laid down and stopped breathing yet.


…gotta get back to work now.  See you all later!  :)

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