Thursday, June 21, 2007

sleep is such an inconvenience

I really wish I could go 24 hours in a row.  Every day.  I have so much I want to do and so little time to do it.

So, if you can’t tell, I have plans.  BIG plans.  Plans that say “Get out of my way or I will run you over!”  Maybe even bigger…

BUT now I’m suddenly not able to keep my eyes open.  I tried walking around to get the blood flowing, used Visine for the burning eyes, drank way too much coffee, and ate a lb of carrots (that had nothing to do with staying awake, I just like to munch on them), and I’m still not going to make it more than another 10 minutes.

So tomorrow I shall wake up, begin my day in a zombie-like state, waste a good 3 hours trying to get my motor started and then realize how little time I have and start running at full speed.  It’s a wicked cycle.  I need to make it more productive and less spastic.

Ok, going to bed.  See you!


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