Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I am so behind...

...on everything.

Hubby was home for a few weeks after getting laid off.  He was also using my computer to study for a course he needed to get licensed for the new job that he had actually gotten right before getting laid off.  That took two weeks.  Of course, if he hadn’t dumped scotch on his own laptop before he got laid off, then he wouldn’t have had to use mine but we won’t go there today.

I’m working like a fiend to clean this house up.  I honestly do not know why I can’t keep things under control when he’s home.  Perhaps it’s because he keeps interrupting, or he is demanding all of the house activity revolve around him?  Of course, it doesn’t, which ticks him off big time.  I swear he thinks that he’s the center of the  universe sometimes.

So.  He’s working.  It’s only classes this week really.  So he’s informed me that he will most likely be home tomorrow and Friday AND Saturday AND  Sunday.  *sigh*

He supposedly has 2 jobs.  One isn’t to start til next week and he’s not 100% sure he can even pull them both off.  I guess we’ll find out next week.

OH!  We started going to a co-op so the girls could take new classes.  Actually, we are following their ballet teacher and since the little one doesn’t want to take ballet anymore, she’s doing a science class at that same time.  She seems to have had a great time last week.  Maybe she’ll let me leave her in the room without me staying next to her this week.  :)

And I just re-remembered (yes I remembered earlier but sort of blew it off) that it’s my anniversary.  So I guess I should try to do something nice.  Not sure what when I have almost no money but I think I can come up with something.

I have a $10 gift card from Target…maybe I can buy something for his fish there.  He brought home 3 and put them in a small tank on the desk.  Then the female started spewing babies so we grabbed the Beta out and tossed him in a snifter glass since he was trying to eat all the babies.  Now he is in the glass looking miserable and the cat is watching it closely…and since they are his fish…buying him another small tank would be a gift for him.  right?  Oh whatever.  If all of these babies live, I’m gonna need to pull one of the 65 gallon tanks out of the garage and put it in here just for them.  There are tons of the little suckers.

Ok, I’m off to figure out what to get him.



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