Friday, May 25, 2012

Moving forward. Again.

It's been a long time since I posted.  Since December actually.

Sometimes I'm afraid to keep blogging, because I'm still scared he's going to find out and come completely unhinged.  His full name isn't on here, and I doubt anyone he knows would ever read it...but God forbid ANYONE know his personal business.  I honestly don't know how far his reaction would go.

But then, I start thinking and decide...Screw it!  He did what he did, I did what I did and I don't give a shit who knows.  The people who matter to me know the truth and those that spread lies and think they know the whole story can rot in hell as far as I'm concerned.  They no longer exist to me.

Things have come a long way since I wrote my last post in December.  I'm in California still, but life is about the change drastically again.  I'm heading back to Florida in a few weeks and will spend the majority of my time there because that is where my kids are going to be for a while.  My heart can't exist this far away anymore.  And it's not fair to the girls to keep this fight going.  They deserve both parents and a stress free life. 

I will be heading back to Florida a different person entirely.  I'm not sure anyone is going to like who they are getting back.  It's going to be very interesting.